Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Blog in Paree

I was told recently that 85 million tourists visit Paris every year. I haven't bothered to verify this statistic, and although I am almost certain that it is many millions off the correct figure, the sentiment remains. I am one amongst many millions of sheep that has been happily herded into Paris (by the likes of Amelie, Gustav Eiffel and so on), and while my story is a lovely conversation starter, especially if I am carrying a map or the other person is as keen to play the 'friends in common across continents' game, I run, walk and trudge along the same path as so many others. So here is my attempt to mark that path through these eyes, or maybe more importantly, to mark those times where I might have tripped, stopped or ventured from that path.

Please read, comment, advise, criticise and encourage.

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